Bamboo (Phyllostachys) make a great choice for a screen as their strong upright growing habit and feathery leaves will quickly provide a lush natural barrier, can also be planted on their own as an architectural statement or in pots for a patio. Bamboo prefer moist well drained soil in full sun or partial shade and are generally disease resistant,popular varieties include Phyllostachys aurea with yellow stems and Phyllostachys nigra with it's jet black canes. Prices from £9.95.
Bamboo (Phyllostachys) makes a strong and resilient screen which can withstand all the British weather can throw at it,ideal along a fence or on their own in a border. Popular varieties include Phyllostachys aurea with it's yellow stems and Phyllostachys nigra, black stems and feathery green leaves. Bannister Hall stock all sizes and varieties with prices starting at £